About Us

  1. We are Waterloo Business Management Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under company number: 06976909 and have their registered office at Adelaide Mill, Gould Street, Oldham, OL1 3LL, UK (“WBM”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”). Our VAT number is GB 9897 16150. 

This Portal is a site owned and operated by WBM.

To contact WBM, please email: or telephone: 0800 083 6555.

Our Contract with You

  1. These terms and conditions for the return of Print Consumables (Collection Terms) apply to the order by you and supply of Services by WBM through the use of this website (the WBM Portal) a waste toner and print consumables collection service (“Collection Services”) for any UK & Ireland Customer (“You”, “Your” “Yours””).
  2. The Collection Terms apply to the exclusion of any other terms that you seek to impose or incorporate or which are implied by law, trade customer, practice or course of dealing.
  3. The Collection Terms is the entire agreement between you and us in relation to its subject matter. You acknowledge that you have not relied on any statement, promise or representation or assurance or warranty that is not set out in these Collection Terms.
  4. You should read these Collection Terms carefully before registering for the WBM Portal and for the Collection Services. These Collection Terms apply to You and Your employees and members of staff registering for the WBM Portal (“Users”) and the Collection Services. You and Users should understand that by proceeding with Your and any User WBM Portal registration that You and any such User agree to be bound by these Collection Terms. You will ensure Your Users, employees and staff are aware and will observe these Collection Terms.

Placing an Order and its Acceptance

  1. Please follow the onscreen prompts to place your order. You may only submit an order using the method set out on the WBM Portal.  Each order is an offer by you to buy the Collection Services specified in the order subject to these Collection Terms.
  2. Our order process allows you to check and amend any errors before submitting your order to us.  Please check the order carefully before confirming it.  You are responsible for ensuring that your order is complete and accurate.
  3. After you place your order you will receive an acknowledgment on the WBM Portal that we have received the order, this is our acceptance of your order.
  4. Details will also be available on the WBM Portal.  WBM Portal will confirm the delivery date/timescales for the Collection Services received, at which point these Collection Terms between you and us will come into existence.  These Collection Terms will relate only to the Collection Services confirmed in the order confirmation.
  5. If we are unable to supply you with the Collection Service for any reason we will inform you of this by email and we will not process your order.  

Collection Services

  1. Subject to a confirmed order, we shall make available to you the Collection Services detailed below and in accordance with these Collection Terms.
  2. We will collect from You used printer consumables and redundant parts only including:
    1. empty toner bottles and cartridges
    1. waste toner bottles
    1. replaceable units (drum / fuser)
    1. replaceable kits (transfer / maintenance)
    1. broken parts
    1. (“Waste Items”)
  3. All Waste Items must be genuine and made by the Original Equipment Manufacturer. Waste Items must not be a compatible version of the original product. Waste Items must not be a remanufactured / refilled / repurposed version of the original product (unless this is done by the Original Equipment Manufacturer or their Licensor.


  1. You will be provided with suitable:
    1. box(es) (“Container(s)”) for the purpose of storing accumulated Waste Items that are waiting collection; and
    1. plastic bags in which all Waste Items must be placed in, prior to being deposited in the applicable Container.
  2. The type and number of Containers to be provided to You shall be as requested by you and shall be delivered to the location site(s) notified by You within 5 working days of the request. If no one is available at the location site(s) notified by You to take delivery or You refuse to take delivery of the Container(s) You shall be charged a Failed/Refused Delivery charge at Our then prevailing rate which will be notified to You from time to time.
  3. Once Container(s) have been provided to You at the site(s) notified by You, we are unable to relocate those Container(s) to any of Your other site(s).
  4. We have no liability for and the Collection Services do not include the collection of Container(s) and Waste Items where the Waste Items have not been placed properly in the provided plastic bags prior to being deposited in the applicable Container. Where there has been such a failure the Waste Items and the Containers will not be collected and You will be charged an Aborted Collection charge per Container at Our then prevailing charge rate which will be notified to You from time to time.
  5. Each Container must be full before a collection of such Container is requested by You. Where the Container(s) are not full the Container(s) will not be collected and You shall be charged an Aborted Collection charge per uncollected Container at Our then prevailing charge rate which will be notified to You from time to time.
  6. If the Container(s) provided to You include box(es), the inner bag must be securely sealed and both ends of the box(es) taped securely, ready for safe transportation. Shipping labels may be brought by the courier, but if You are instructed to do so, You should securely and visibly attach them to the box(es). Only one label to be attached per box. The box(es) are required to be ready for collection at the main entrance/ ground floor/ reception area. Please note the courier may refuse to accept any boxes that are not sealed for safe transportation. You shall be charged an Aborted Collection charge per uncollected box if any boxes are not sealed appropriately at Our then prevailing charge rate which will be notified to You from time to time.
  7. Collections of box Containers from Your site shall be via WBM’s nominated courier collection service.
  8. Risk in the Containers shall pass to You on completion of unloading the Containers at the location site(s) notified by You. All box Containers remain Our property. 
  9. You irrevocably license Us and Our officers, employees and agents, to enter any of Your premises (including with vehicles), to recover any Containers in which property has not passed to You.  If any unused boxes are damaged We reserve the right to charge you for the damaged boxes.

WBM Portal and Collection Services order process

  1. Collections of Containers shall be requested and placed by You accessing Your account on the WBM Portal You and Your Users will receive an ‘Account Activated’ email from WBM containing a temporary password and the link to the WBM Portal. Each User will receive from WBM a username & temporary password. Log-on and security passwords must not be disclosed to any third party. If You and/or Your Users know or suspect that anyone other than You or any User (as appropriate) know the password or other security information please promptly reset your password and notify WBM.
  2. The WBM Portal will ask the Users to provide and use their unique log on identification code (as provided by WBM) and their security password and details. We have the right to disable any User log-on identification code or security password, whether chosen by You/Users or allocated by us, at any time, if in Our reasonable opinion You or Your Users have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these Collection Terms.
  3. Once Your Users are logged into Your account, you can add / import a full list of collection site(s) so when ordering Services You will be able to select from a pulldown menu on the WBM Portal. Once the selection is made the order is completed by submitting it as instructed by the WBM Portal.
  4. Once You, through Your Users, have placed an order for collection through the WBM Portal, the collection will take place within 5 working days of the placed order or as otherwise agreed by You and WBM. If no one is available at the location site(s) notified by You to provide access for collection of the Container(s) or the Container(s) are not available for collection You shall be charged a Failed/Refused Collection charge at Our then prevailing rate which will be notified to You from time to time.
  5. Should the WBM Portal not be in use for any reason or your recycling service requirement is not listed, You may contact WBM direct, using one of the following:
    1. Tel number: 0800 083 6555 
    1. email address:
  6. Waste Transfer Notes will be made available on the WBM Portal. Please allow up to 28 Working Days following the collection for the Waste Transfer Notes to be accessible.

Your Responsibilities

  1. You must place all Waste Items into the plastic bag(s) provided, allowing room for the plastic bag(s) to be properly secured by You.
  2. Containers should be used solely for the purpose they are supplied. An additional box Container charge at Our then prevailing charge rate which will be notified to You from time to time, will be charged should it become apparent a box Container is being used for other purposes.
  3. Only Waste Items shall be deposited in Containers. In the event any non-Waste Items are found in returned Containers, You will incur a charge, for such non Waste Items to be collected and processed at Our then prevailing charge rate which will be notified to You from time to time.
  4. It is Your responsibility to ensure Waste Items are placed securely in the plastic bag(s) provided and that the applicable Container is filled completely prior to You requesting a collection for that Container.
  5. Under no circumstances must hazardous waste be placed into a Container. Any waste found in a Container that is deemed as hazardous as per the hazardous waste list at will be reported by WBM to Us and You will be charged the appropriate rate for reporting and processing of that hazardous waste by WBM, at Our then prevailing charge rate which will be notified to You from time to time.
  6. You will notify WBM of any security or collection site constraints prior to a collection of any Container being made.

Collection Services Charges

  1. In consideration of use providing the Collection Services you must pay our Charges in accordance with our commercial agreement and any future changes that may be notified to You from time to time.
  2. We may increase any charge rates from time to time and shall give You not less than three months’ notice of such increase.  Any changes will not affect any order you have already placed with Us.  Our Charges are exclusive of VAT.  Where VAT is payable in respect of some or all of the Collection Services you must pay Us such additional amounts in respect of VAT at the applicable rate, at the same time as you pay the Charges.


  1. We shall invoice You for Collection Services in arrears (unless otherwise agreed in writing). You agree to pay Our invoices for Collection Services within thirty (30) days of the date of Our invoice. The Collection Reference and your Custeomer Reference / Purchase Order Number will be quoted on all invoices for Collection Service Term(s) entered into.
  2. If you fail to make a payment in accordance with these Collection Terms by the due date, then, without limiting our remedies under the Termination Clause, you will have to pay interest on the overdue sum from the due date until payment of the overdue sum, whether before or after judgment. Interest under this clause will accrue each day at 4% a year above the Bank of England’s base rate from time to time, but at 4% a year for any period when that base rate is below 0%.

How we may use your personal information

  1. If You and a User choose to register for the WBM Portal, You and the User agree to provide Us and WBM with the accurate, up to date, business / work related information, as requested in relation to WBM Portal and the registration form.
  2. This information may include a limited amount of personal data that We will process as a data controller, as it will determine what data it requires and how it is processed for the purposes required under these Collection Terms. We will comply with Our obligation under the applicable data protection legislation with regard to the personal data provided by Us. Our legal basis for processing such personal data is the performance of these Collection Terms, as well as the provision and administration of the WBM Portal and related applications.
  3. In the event of providing these Collections Services without charge, it may be necessary to pass on Your location details to 3rd parties (such as, but not limited to Original Equipment Manufacturers) in order for us to reclaim the costs. In these cases, no personal information will be shared with 3rd parties, it will only be Your company and location details.
  4. For further information about how We process personal data, please see Our Privacy Policy as set out at


  1. We do not guarantee that the WBM Portal will be secure or free from bugs or viruses.
  2. You are responsible for configuring Your information technology, computer programmes and platform to access the WBM Portal. You should use Your own virus protection software.
  3. You must not misuse the WBM Portal by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful.

Proprietary Rights

  1. You acknowledge and agree that We and/or Our licensors own all Intellectual Property Rights in the Collection Services, any software provided or used in their provision and in any documentation provided by Us in respect of or connected to the Collection Services and in any and all enhancements, modifications, corrections and derivative works thereto. Except as expressly stated in these Collection Terms nothing grants You any rights to, or in, any patents, copyrights, database rights, trade secrets, trade names, trade marks (whether registered or unregistered), or any other rights or licences in respect of the Collection Services, software or such documentation.

Suspension or Withdrawal of the WBM Portal

  1. We do not guarantee that the WBM Portal, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. We may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of the WBM Portal for business and operational reasons. We will try to give You reasonable notice of any suspension or withdrawal of any services.
  2. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the WBM Portal through Your internet connection are aware of these Collection Terms and other applicable terms and conditions, and that they comply with them.

Term and Termination of Collection Services

  1. These Collection Terms shall become effective on the date You register for the WBM Portal. Without limiting any of our other rights we may suspend the performance of the Collection Services or terminate these Collection Terms with immediate effect by giving written notice to you if:
    1. you commit a material breach of any term of the Contract and (if such a breach is remediable) fail to remedy that breach within 30 days of you being notified in writing to do so;
    1. you fail to pay any amount due under the Contract on the due date for payment;
    1. you take any step or action in connection with you entering administration, provisional liquidation or any composition or arrangement with your creditors (other than in relation to a solvent restructuring), applying to court for or obtaining a moratorium under Part A1 of the Insolvency Act 1986, being wound up (whether voluntarily or by order of the court, unless for the purpose of a solvent restructuring), having a receiver appointed to any of your assets or ceasing to carry on business or, if the step or action is taken in another jurisdiction, in connection with any analogous procedure in the relevant jurisdiction;
    1. you suspend, threaten to suspend, cease or threaten to cease to carry on all or a substantial part of your business; or
    1. your financial position deteriorates to such an extent that in our opinion your capability to adequately fulfil your obligations under the Contract has been placed in jeopardy.
  2. On termination of these Collection Terms any unused boxes shall be made available for Us to retrieve. If any unused boxes are damaged We reserve the right to charge you for the damaged boxes.
  3. Termination of the Contract will not affect your or our rights and remedies that have accrued as at termination. Any provision of the Contract that expressly or by implication is intended to come into or continue in force on or after termination will remain in full force and effect.

Acceptable Use

  1. Users may only use the WBM Portal if they are employed by You and You are a customer of Ours for Collection Services 
  2. You and Users may only use WBM Portal in accordance with these Collection Terms and in any event, for lawful and proper purposes and You and all Users will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and codes of practice within the Territory from which You and/or the Users are accessing WBM Portal. In particular, You and all Users agree that they shall not:
    1. Use any software, routine or device to interfere or attempt to interfere electronically or manually with the operation or functionality of WBM Portal including but not limited to uploading or making available files containing corrupt data or viruses via whatever means;
    1. take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on WBM Portal or associated infrastructure;
    1. copy all or any part of WBM Portal;
    1. rent, lease, sub-license, loan, translate, merge adapt, vary or modify WBM Portal and (subject to the right to upload materials or otherwise except as expressly permitted by Us in writing) not make alterations to, or modifications of, the whole or any part of WBM Portal nor permit WBM Portal or any part of it to be combined with, or become incorporated in, any other programs; and
    1. disassemble, de-compile, reverse engineer or create derivative works based on the whole or any part of WBM Portal nor attempt to do any such things.

User Policy

  1. You and Users undertake not to post to or send via or use in relation to the WBM Portal any materials that are or could reasonably be construed as: (i) defamatory, libellous, obscene, offensive, abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory or blasphemous; (ii) in breach of any obligation of confidence or privacy or any trade secret; (iii) infringing the proprietary rights of any third party or for which You and/or Users (as applicable) have not obtained all necessary licences and/or approvals; or(iv) violating any other law.
  2. You and Users also agree not to transmit to or send via WBM Portal any materials which could reasonably be held to constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise be contrary to the law of any country or other competent authority, or infringe the rights of any third party enforceable in any part of the world.
  3. We reserve the right to remove any materials from WBM Portal where it reasonably suspects that such material is prohibited by this clause or is otherwise inappropriate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, You and Users acknowledge that We have no control over content on WBM Portal provided by other users, and that, in addition, it does not purport to monitor the accuracy, appropriateness or conformity with the principles outlined in these Collection Terms, of such content.
  4. You and Users must not link to WBM Portal other websites which are indecent or inappropriate, and You and Users must forthwith remove any link if We in Our discretion so request.

Disclaimer and Liability

  1. We hereby exclude all conditions, warranties, representations or other terms that the WBM Portal is accurate, complete or up-to-date, which might but for this clause have effect between Us and You/Users or would otherwise be implied into or incorporated into these Collection Terms or any collateral contract, whether by statute, common law or otherwise. You/Users understand and agree that You/Users are using the WBM Portal at their own risk and that We do not warrant that the WBM Portal will meet any of Your/Users requirements or that the WBM Portal will be uninterrupted, error free or secure.
  2. Where the WBM Portal contains links to other sites and resources provided by WBM or its group of companies or any third parties, these links are provided for information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by Us of those linked websites or information You may obtain from them. We have no control over the contents of those sites or resources.
  3. We, any other party (whether or not involved in creating, producing, maintaining or delivering this WBM Portal), and any of Our group companies and the officers, directors, employees, shareholders or agents of any of them, exclude all liability and responsibility for any amount or kind of loss or damage that may result to You/Users or a third party, (including without limitation, any direct, indirect, punitive or consequential loss or damages, or any loss of income, profits, goodwill, data, contracts, use of money, or loss or damages arising from or connected in any way to business interruption, and whether in tort (including without limitation negligence), contract or otherwise) in connection with the WBM Portal in any way or in connection with the use, inability to use or the results of use of the WBM Portal, any websites linked to the WBM Portal or the material on such websites, including but not limited to loss or damage due to viruses that may infect any of Your/Users computer equipment, software, data or other property on account of Your/Users access to, use of, or browsing the WBM Portal or Your/Users downloading of any material from the WBM Portal or any websites linked to the WBM Portal.
  4. Without prejudice to and subject to this clause, Our sole liability, and Your exclusive remedy under these Collection Terms and in relation to the Collection Services, shall be either (a) the re-performance of the agreed (part of) the Collection Services, or (b), should We be unable to re-perform such (part of) the Collection Services, or should such remedy prove to be impracticable, the refund of the Collection Service Charge(s) actually paid by You for the deficient (part of the) Collection Services.
  5. Nothing in these Collection Terms shall exclude or limit the liability of either party for (i) death or personal injury caused by its negligence; (ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or (iii) any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.

Event outside Our control

  1. We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under the Contract that is caused by any act or event beyond our reasonable control (Event Outside Our Control).
  2. If an Event Outside Our Control takes place that affects the performance of our obligations under the Contract: (a)we will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to notify you; and (b) our obligations under the Contract will be suspended and the time for performance of our obligations will be extended for the duration of the Event Outside Our Control. Where the Event Outside Our Control affects our delivery of Goods to you, we will arrange a new delivery date with you after the Event Outside Our Control is over.
  3. You may cancel the Contract affected by an Event Outside Our Control [which has continued for more than [30] days]. To cancel please contact us. If you opt to cancel, you will return (at our cost) any relevant Goods you have already received and we will refund the price you have paid, including any delivery charges.

General Terms

  1. These Collection Terms shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, English law and each of the parties irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
  2. Should there be no activity on your Account on WBM Portal for 6 months, an email will be sent to the last registered email address to confirm requirement for continued services.  If no response is received to this email within 7 days we will delete your account without any further notification to you. 
  3. We may assign or transfer our rights and obligations under the Contract to another entity
  4. If we do not insist that you perform any of your obligations under the Contract, or if we do not exercise our rights or remedies against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights or remedies against you or that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive any rights or remedies, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any right or remedy related to any later default by you.
  5. The Contract is between you and us. No other person has any rights to enforce any of its terms.

Collection Service Charges

  1. It is generally accepted that there will be no charges for the standard Collection Services that You and Users request on the WBM portal.
    1. This Collection Service is designed to be a free of charge service for You, provided You use this service only for the recycling of genuine Original Equipment Manufactured products.
    1. There may be reasons where a charge will be invoiced by Us to You, such as, but not limited to, those listed below:
Reason for ChargeAmount (exc VAT.)
Standard Collection Services£0
Additional Box Container£5.00 + delivery
Aborted Collection£45.00
Failed / Refused Delivery£45.00
Non-Waste Items£5 per Kg
Reporting & Processing Hazardous Waste£150 + £10 per Kg
Box Collected over 25 Kg£5 per Kg +£80 if over 30 Kg
Box Collected over 150 Litre£1 per additional litre +£80 if over 170 Litre
Box Collected with side longer than 75cm£80

These Collection Service Charges may change at any time and without notice. The Collection Service charges listed here are a guide and not necessarily the amounts at the current prevailing rate.

Full details of all Collection Service Charges are available on request. Please contact WBM on or 0800 083 6555 for Collection Service Charge details.

If Collection Service Charges are to be applied, additional surcharges may be applied in some postcode areas, including, but not limited, to Central London, Highlands, Off-Mainland UK and Ireland.

Please Note: You can continue to place recycling service requests on our portal, however due to extremely high demand on couriers at this time, we will not be processing any collections or deliveries after 13th December, until 6th January.
We appreciate your understanding with this and would ask that you contact us directly if there is a particularly urgent requirement in the meantime.
We would like to wish all our customers a pleasant and peaceful festive holiday.